Hello all!
Sorry for the lengthy post, but please read carefully the important following information regarding Band and Orchestra Festival registration:
I have opened the window for District 1 B/O Registration on www.msboa.org. Everything seems to be working fine, as I was able to register my own groups. The registration window will remain open until our Winter Meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2020 in Cadillac, if you would prefer to hand-deliver your registrations and checks at that time.
As a reminder, here are our performance dates:
Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - McBain
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 - McBain
Thursday, February 27, 2020 - McBain
Tuesday, March 3, 2020 -Shelby
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - Shelby
We are leaving Thursday, March 5, 2020 as an option for weather issues!
Please ensure that you get me your registration materials on time so that I am able to create a schedule taking everyone's needs into account. Please make sure you follow through with principal signature, the printing of your check, and the mailing of your envelope. As before, site preferences will be allocated on a first-come/first-served basis as I receive registrations in the mail, so please confirm that your second choice will also work in your school district's calendar. Additionally, please communicate to me your conflicts (the "Comments" box of the registration form is preferred, but email is fine too) as early as possible so I can work with you in schedule creation. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any infomation that you need to communicate.
**You will see that there is a section where you can enter 504/IEP information. IF you are going to enter information in that section, in the "Comments" box, please type "IEP info" or "504 info" because I cannot see what you have entered in the IEP/504 box unless I click on it separately, which is not logistically feasible for me to do while trying to create the schedule in a timely manner - however, I can immediately see any "Comments" that you have. Hopefully that all makes sense, but if you have any questions, PLEASE let me know.**
Please know that you CAN register your groups, generate the invoice, process checks, and get materials sent out to me AND THEN later go back and add/edit any of your registration information on the MSBOA website, including what pieces you will be performing AND "Comments" AND IEP/504 information. As a young director I always forget this and I am wary of it, but it absolutely works!!!
I'll send a separate email later explaining how to edit registered ensembles if you are unsure how.
ANY questions or issues please let me know! Truly, the earlier you ask and take care of things the better. I will help with whatever I can!
Thank you,
Jenelle Karcher
Director of Bands and Orchestras
Chippewa Hills School District
Vice President of Band and Orchestra, MSBOA District 1